MOVE TV - Ben Vereen

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Ben Vereen shares with MOVE TV, "You have to have a Strong Spirit to be a Dancer"

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  • Ben REALLY has it right!! And what a way with words he has!!  Thank you for taking the time to share your inner soul.


  • What a wonderful way to begin my day with words of wisdom from such an amazing man. I have loved his work forever. Now, how can we pass on that essence that he speaks of to the next generation?

  •  Ben Vereen shares with MOVE TV "You have to be a Strong Spirit to b...Ben_Vereen-3.jpg?width=160

    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQ8MWH8dduDBnVpDHGsieiyMLx6AhRNm-wnvbOOY7BuJ9uR1oRIw&width=158Ben Vereen's Social Media Links:







    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSJKP8TaUaF-ukw_BPiE_ky1TmWysj3PtZTxHTEwpNaePDNS0ZKGQ&width=184Born October 10, 1946, Ben Vereen grew up in Brooklyn and attended New York's High School of the Performing Arts. On Broadway, he found success in the musicals of Bob Fosse, includingSweet Charity and Pippin,for which Vereen won a Tony Award in 1972. Vereen also appeared in the epic 1977 TV mini series Roots. After personal troubles derailed his career, he made a comeback in the late 1990s.

    Actor, singer, dancer. Born October 10, 1946, in Miami, Florida. While still an infant, Vereen and his family relocated to the poverty-stricken neighborhood of Bedford-Styvesant in Brooklyn, New York. During his pre-teen years, he exhibited an innate talent for drama and dance and often performed in local variety shows.At the age of 14, Vereen enrolled at the High School of Performing Arts, where he studied under world-renown choreographers Martha GrahamGeorge Balanchine, and Jerome Robbins. Upon his graduation, he struggled to find suitable stage work and was often forced to take odd jobs to supplement his income.

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